Changes logfile for Amadeus 27/11/96 v2.0.3 ( 27/11/96 ) * links in the same document now work. * fixed bug to lock document when someone is editing it. * simplifying amadeus.ini file. * fixed various bugs in the textviewer * speeded up html parsing * support html font size tag * status showing url for remote objects * print support for text * overlapping anchors Missing Features: ----------------- o Search in text o Support for different link types o Support for plain text o Image Maps/ISMAPs Known Bugs: ----------- v2.0.2 (30/07/96) * from now on version 2.0.2 is the new beta version, that will be developed further * fixed an error that made it impossible to create new local databases in version 2.0.1 * in version 2.0.1 one file had a filename that did not adhere to the 8+3 rule for filenames under DOS; this filename was changed and version 2.0.2 will run under Windows 3.1 * the dialogboxes for "edit" and "view-source" are now resizable and can optionally word wrap * when you identify yourself you can disable the automatic update of all objects with the switch "Update objects" in the identify dialog box; be aware that you may encounter some strange effects, because you may have different access rights after identification; this feature was mainly implemented for performance reasons * more HTML 3.0 compatibility implemented: tables, forms, background images etc.; it is also possible to interactively edit links in HTML and HTF.