ORB COMMON ORB beInSilentErrorMode disable error prompting - only nil returned values mean errors ORB beNotInSilentErrorMode activate error prompting ORB isInSilentErrorMode [true|false] SERVER SIDE PROTOCOL ORB remoteObjects answer dictionary of processed remote objects ORB remoteObjectNames answer collection of remote object names ORB remoteObjectsAt: aSymbol put: aValue create new remote object ORB remoteObjectsRemoveKey: aSymbol delete remote object ORB waitForConnectionsAtPort: anInteger start the server activity ORB close stop the server activity ORB isDown [true|false] test the server activity CLIENT SIDE PROTOCOL ORB newSessionWith: aString port: anInteger create new session to host given by aString at port given by anInteger anORBClient close close the session anORBClient isDown [true|false] test the client activity RemoteObject named: aSymbol session: anORBClient create the remote object Instances of class RemoteObject represent the interfaces to the original objects at the server. All messages sent to anRemoteObject at the client are transparently converted by the ORB to the server, evaluated in the server image and results are returned to the client. EXAMPLE 1) start two smalltalk images (server and client) with RemoteObjects (both the server and client run also in only one image :-) ) 2) open ORBConsole both at client and server (ORBConsole open) - - if they are not yet opened 3) on the server add remote object #Transcript with the value Transcript, remote object #Smalltalk with the value Smalltalk and remote object #N with the value 50 and start the server (by button) 4) on the client add new session with the server 5) click at the added session - you could to obtain the list of remote object on the server "N ORB Smalltalk Transcript" 6a) click at the object "Transcript" and open the workspace (by button) 7a) try following commands (by "do it" in menu): object cr. object show: 'hello world!'. ... 6b) click at the object "Smalltalk" and open the workspace (by button) 7b) try following commands (by "print it" in menu): object size. object keys. ... 6c) click at the object "N" and open the workspace (by button) 7c) try following commands (by "print it" in menu): object + 1. object factorial. 10 * object + 1. ... enjoy the remote objects Vojtech Merunka Smetanova 647 CZ - 286 01 CASLAV merunka@pef.czu.cz http://omega.pef.czu.cz/pef/ki/merunka