To use the SSelect and Osql applications, the above packages must be combined into a wish executable. For tips on installing the required Tcl/Tk modules, see the enclosed INSTALL file. Making these files requires the assistance of a knowledgable UNIX systems administrator. If your administrator encounters difficulty with this process, please contact the help desk at POSC (
You can also get assistance with Tcl/Tk problems by posting questions to the internet news group comp.lang.tcl. There is also a very good set of references to Tcl/Tk information at the folowing web site:
The following files are contained in this directory:

File Description Example file for TclX.
INSTALL Installation tips.
README The ASCII version of this file.
README.htm The HTML version of this file.
blt-1.8.tar.gz BLT extension to tcl.
itcl-1.5.tar.gz [incr tcl] object-oriented extension to tcl.
oratcl-2.3.tar.gz Oracle interface extension for tcl.
tcl7.4.tar.gz Tcl version 7.4.
tclX7.4a-b6.tar.gz TclX extensions for Tcl 7.4.
tcl_cruncher-1.11.tar.gz Tcl syntax cruncher (improves performance).
tk4.0.tar.gz Tk X-Windows toolkit for Tcl 7.4.
tkXAppInit.c Example tkXAppInit.c file for TclX.

Move one directory up.