Welcome to HYTEL-L, the HYTELNET updates distribution list (Revised December 3, 1994) Purpose The HYTELNET updates distribution list, HYTEL-L, is a mailing list which allows you to receive information regarding new versions of the popular HYTELNET program, which gives a user access to all known telnet-accessible sites on the Internet. List members will also receive announcements of new/changed/defunct sites, announced between full versions of the program. Posting new information This list is moderated, which means that only the list owner will be posting messages. Any messages you send to HYTEL-L will be forwarded to the list owner. Feel free to contribute: -- any new information you discover about any of the sites mentioned in HYTELNET, i.e. changes in telnet addresses, login procedures, or resources available. -- any information on telnet-accessible sites not found in HYTELNET. Latest version and new files The latest version of HYTELNET will always be found on the ftp server at ftp.usask.ca in the /pub/hytelnet/pc/latest directory. It will be listed as hytelnxx.zip, where xx equals the latest version number. New files and updated files will be found in the /pub/hytelnet/pc/updates directory, arranged by file name. The latest version, 6.8, was issued November 28, 1994. HYTELNET Gopher at Washington & Lee University There is a gopher version of the HYTELNET files at Washington & Lee University, maintained by John Doyle. Here's the bookmark: Type=1 Name=Hytelnet (Telnet Login to Sites) Path=1/internet/hytelnet Host=liberty.uc.wlu.edu Port=70 URL: gopher://liberty.uc.wlu.edu:70/11/internet/hytelnet Refer questions to doylej@liberty.uc.wlu.edu UNIX version Please feel free to browse the UNIX version of HYTELNET, available by telnet to access.usask.ca ( Login with hytelnet in lower case. VT100 terminal emulation required. This version was written by Earl Fogel, U of S Computing Services. It only makes remote connections for U of Sask users. Refer questions to: fogel@herald.usask.ca Macintosh version Charles Burchill's Macintosh version of HYTELNET can be found via anonymous ftp at ftp.usask.ca in the /pub/hytelnet/mac directory. Refer questions to burchil@cc.umanitoba.ca Language volunteers needed Many telnet-accessible sites contain login/logout instructions in languages other than English. If you would like to volunteer to check such sites before they are posted to the list please let me know by e-mail, stating which language(s) you can handle. Mirrored messages Messages sent to HYTEL-L are being gatewayed to the Usenet group bit.listserv.hytel-l Shareware Fee All the work associated with the maintenance of the HYTELNET files is performed on the author's own time and equipment. The time is limited and the equipment is in dire need of replacement. Therefore, the author is asking for a $20 shareware fee to cover the costs of maintaining the program. Shareware is based upon the principal of "try before you buy". If you or your site are regular users of the program, then the author would appreciate your support. Many thanks to those who have already contributed. Selected LISTSERV Commands To join HYTEL-L, send the following e-mail message to LISTSERV@KENTVM: SUBSCRIBE HYTEL-L First Name Last Name The list server also has an Internet address: LISTSERV@KENTVM.KENT.EDU To sign off HYTEL-L, send the following e-mail message to LISTSERV@KENTVM: UNSUBSCRIBE HYTEL-L To stop HYTEL-L mail when you go on vacation, send the following e-mail message to LISTSERV@KENTVM: SET HYTEL-L NOMAIL To resume HYTEL-L mail delivery, send the following e-mail message to LISTSERV@KENTVM: SET HYTEL-L MAIL To determine what your HYTEL-L distribution settings are, send the following message to LISTSERV@KENTVM: QUERY HYTEL-L This is a useful command to try if you stop receiving HYTEL-L mail. The moderators may have had to set you to NOMAIL because of problems with your e-mail account. To send a message to the HYTEL-L, send your e-mail message to HYTEL-L@KENTVM To obtain a list of HYTEL-L users, send the following e-mail message to LISTSERV@KENTVM: REVIEW HYTEL-L F=MAIL To receive full documentation about searching the message database, send the following e-mail message to LISTSERV@KENTVM: INFO DATABASE. (A brief tutorial is also available. Send the message GET SEARCH DOC F=MAIL to LISTSERV@KENTVM.) To see what files are available, send the following e-mail message to LISTSERV@KENTVM: INDEX HYTEL-L F=MAIL To retrieve a file, send the following e-mail message to LISTSERV@KENTVM: GET File Name File Type All messages to the conference are automatically archived for ONE MONTH ONLY. Users can search the message database for specific information using complex Boolean queries. The most reliable method of searching the database is to submit batch search jobs to the list server via e-mail messages. Search features include nested Boolean expressions, search limitation by date and time, and SOUNDEX searches. For more information about HYTEL-L contact: Peter Scott Northern Lights Internet Solutions Saskatoon, Sask aa375@freenet.carleton.ca Postal address: Peter Scott 324 8th Street East Saskatoon Saskatchewan Canada S7H0P5