The images are oil-paintings made by an Italian artist, Achille Ghidoni. Anno-2039.JPG "Year 2039" (1993) Anno2060.JPG "Year 2060" (1993) Bypass.JPG "Bypass: works in progress" (1996) Desert.JPG "Living desert" (1995) Diamond-path.JPG "Diamond pathway" (1996) Endeavour.JPG "Endeavour" (1994) Ephemeral.JPG "Red Ephemeral" (1994) Er-Ma-Del.JPG "Er.Ma.Del.", dedicated to Ernst, Magritte and Delvaux (1995) Evo-1.JPG "Evolution 1: Primordial Life" (1995) Evo-2.JPG "Evolution 2: Biological Landscape" (1995) Evo-3.JPG "Evolution 3: Landscape of Future" (1995) Mission.JPG "Lifetime mission" (1995) Triumph.JPG "Triumph in the sentry valley" (1995) Unknown.JPG "Unknown object" (1996) Wildflowers.jpg "Wildflowers, a dream in the biotechnological world" (1999) All pictures are copyright Achille Ghidoni and published at with his permission. Achille Ghidoni, Prof. Rector's Delegate for International Relations DBSF (Department of Structural and Functional Biology) University of Insubria, 21100 Varese - Italy e-mail: