Doctor Fun presents 1988, Page 7

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"Hey - you knew that when you called us."

"Listen up! I've got Godzilla on the line. He wants to talk. He's calling from a payphone somewhere in the city."

"Yo! Mr. Peabody - can I have the lawn pass?"

The kindly old lady failed to realize that Sharky's acceptance of the sweater did not necessarily imply domestication.

"Oh let me guess your ship went down and you've been drifting for days and now you've washed up on this desert island well welcome to the club."

1783 - in a rare moment of levity, George Washington pops his wooden dentures for Gilbert Stuart.

The Ant Scouts' field trip ends badly when they come to meet those stomping feet on 42nd Street.

"See, Timmy? Centrifugal force keeps the Mako Shark safely in the bucket."

"The science fair is tomorrow."

The deep end

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