Doctor Fun presents 1988, Page 34

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"Make yourselves at home, gentlemen, because nobody's leaving this room until we find out who ate Roger Rabbit."

"A deer with a rifle! Damn, Jed - we're pinned down by a cartoon cliché."

Grblyx was unaware that on Frondor, Zerglots were served with the eyes.

"You fiend! You've captured the hearts and minds of an entire nation!"

Larry flips out.

Miss Piggy's shocking discovery

"Well ... this is Loch Ness, but I'm not sure I appreciate being called a monster."

"My shoe's untied? Oh, sure, buddy, that's the oldest trick in the - Aaaugh!"

"That's Melba, Jr. - we had such high hopes for him, and then he ran off with that cheap poptart."

Cliff tries out his squirrel stomper running shoes.

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